Bright Future Initiative

Step into a world where dreams know no bounds. At Bright Future Initiative, we envisioned a vibrant, creative and joyful immigrant community that embodies the pursuit of happiness enshrined in our constitution. Our journey began with a leap of faith, driven by the belief that everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive and contribute to society. Progress through information.


Una Visa U permite que las víctimas de delitos que cumplen con requisitos específicos puedan permanecer en los Estados Unidos, si después de ser victimas el delito contra ellos, ayudan a la policía a arrestar al criminal. Este proceso es un testimonio de su ayuda a la policía para llevar al criminal a la justicia. Por lo tanto, no dude en llamar a la policía y ayudar en el procesamiento. Mantenga todos los informes policiales como parte de sus registros. Finalmente, consulte a un abogado para conocer sus derechos y los de su familia a la residencia en los Estados Unidos. Una Visa U proporciona los siguientes beneficios:

  • Puede vivir legalmente en los Estados Unidos durante cuatro años. Después de tres años de tener una Visa U, puede solicitar una tarjeta verde para permanecer en los EE. UU. de forma permanente. Si obtiene una tarjeta verde, eventualmente podrá solicitar convertirse en ciudadano estadounidense.
  • Con una Visa U, puede obtener permiso para trabajar en los Estados Unidos.

Es importante destacar que una Visa U no es sólo para usted. Es posible que algunos de los miembros de su familia también puedan obtener una Visa U. Esta disposición garantiza que usted y sus seres queridos puedan afrontar juntos este momento difícil, brindándoles una sensación de seguridad y unidad.

  • En algunos estados, como California y Nueva York, las personas con una Visa U pueden ser elegibles para ciertos beneficios públicos.

¿Quién puede beneficiarse de su visa U?

Si la victima menor de 21 años:

  • Sus padres
  • Su cónyuge legalmente casado*
  • Sus hijos (si son solteros y menores de 21 años)
  • Sus hermanos y hermanas solteros menores de 18 años

Si la victima tiene 21 años o más:

  • Su cónyuge legalmente casado*
  • Sus hijos solteros menores de 21 anos

La visa U también es un camino hacia la ciudadanía. Una vez que se acepta su solicitud de visa U, se le otorga un estatus de inmigración legal en los Estados Unidos. Su residencia permanente temporal permite 4 años de vigencia. Después de su tercer año como titular de una visa U, puede hablar con su abogado de visas U sobre su elegibilidad para la tarjeta de residencia.


Our Mission Statement:
Bright Future Initiative is a nonprofit organization bringing information and solutions in immigration and social issues to the public schools community of teachers, parents, and students. Our work is building stronger communities and neighborhoods by providing ways through the school community, parents, and students to legalize their status in the United States. We believe the public school community is an important leverage point in creating a self-sufficient and productive society. The initiative’s mission is to inform the school community by connecting people in need of legal assistance with skilled professionals to create a strong family unit and become productive citizens.
Our Mission Statement:
Bright Future Initiative is a nonprofit organization bringing information and solutions in immigration and social issues to the public schools community of teachers, parents, and students. Our work is building stronger communities and neighborhoods by providing ways through the school community, parents, and students to legalize their status in the United States. We believe the public school community is an important leverage point in creating a self-sufficient and productive society. The initiative’s mission is to inform the school community by connecting people in need of legal assistance with skilled professionals to create a strong family unit and become productive citizens.
Our Mission Statement:
Bright Future Initiative is a nonprofit organization bringing information and solutions in immigration and social issues to the public schools community of teachers, parents, and students. Our work is building stronger communities and neighborhoods by providing ways through the school community, parents, and students to legalize their status in the United States. We believe the public school community is an important leverage point in creating a self-sufficient and productive society. The initiative’s mission is to inform the school community by connecting people in need of legal assistance with skilled professionals to create a strong family unit and become productive citizens.

Bright Future Initiative

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Beloved Community Leader

Beloved Community Leader

Step into a world where dreams know no bounds. At Bright Future Initiative, we envisioned a vibrant, creative and joyful immigrant community that embodies the pursuit of happiness enshrined in our constitution. Our journey began with a leap of faith, driven by the belief that everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive and contribute to society. […]

Why reach out to you? because  you have the power

Why reach out to you? because you have the power

As a respected community leader, you can catalyze our services within public schools on a significant scale. It’s a symbolic relationship – we need your influence, and you stand to benefit from our expertise in bringing vital information and legal solutions to immigrant families within the school community.

Our Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement

Bright Future Initiative is a nonprofit organization bringing information and solutions in immigration and social issues to the public schools community of teachers, parents, and students. Our work is building stronger communities and neighborhoods by providing ways through the school community, parents, and students to legalize their status in the United States. We believe the […]

Our Team

Our Team

Together, we can facilitate the Hispanic family community at public schools’ transition out of the shadows, enabling them to pursue a life free  from the fear of legal consequences and family separation by navigating the complexities of the immigration system. Given the opportunity, our skilled lawyers stand ready to make a difference. All we ask […]

Bright Future Initiative

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